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How I Manage To Travel Often

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Like millions of other people out there, I, too, love to travel to places. Most of the times, I travel alone, but on other occasions, I would travel with friends. There is a big difference between the two, and they are both exciting in their own way. I always see to it that if there is an opportunity for me to go around places that I have not been to then I would instantly grab it. Travelling is a great experience because you are able to enjoy life as much as you should, be able to see new places and faces, and unwind yourself from all the stress that has been going on at work. Yet, doing so should not make you go broke! I still find a way to save some money despite the travels, and this is how I do it. 

Whenever I travel alone, I would only bring a backpack with me and the clothes that are good enough for the duration of my stay so it won’t be heavy because I would often look for bed and breakfast accommodation in Phillip island which is cheaper than other forms of accommodation. While it is only a small place to crash and does not seem much, but the only thing that I am going to do in it is sleep! So long as it provides me with enough sleep and comfort, then it is fine by me. On other cases, I would travel with my friends and sometimes whenever I travel alone, my sisters and cousins would tag along with me. If we are heading to a city, we would ge a hotel accommodation. While it is more expensive than bed and breakfast, but if you travel in groups then you may get a discount through browsing online and split the bill with them too.  

I do not really live an extravagant life, as a matter of fact I live a normal life. So like any other people, they can also do the same because going on an adventure today is not even expensive. If you really want to allocate more money into your travels, then only spend on things that are needed. I would ride a bike as often as I can to work since I do not have to pay for the parking, the gas, and even the car itself. Changing the way you live or just by doing things that help you save more money is a big boost to your life and to your travel goals. Live life even just a little, and through travelling, you are able to see the world the way it is and view it in your own perspective.
